This is my Friday morning tip…
I really is true what they say.. ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. Or something like that. I am someone who likes to bake, cook and basically mess up my kitchen whenever possible. I am a messy chef, and proud.
Baking is something that requires scales, timing and a little bit of love. So if you’re a newly wed, and want to keep your new husband happy, or even just surprise him with some extra love.. then bake. I seriously don’t know one man who doesn’t like home bakes goods. Note this down brides-to-be!
What do you think of these? Yeah, I know…. They are rather girlie but at least I made the effort.
If anyone has any other tips for our newly weds then please get in touch.
P.S Brides-to-be… being a wife is awesome.