Hi team-
So you’re gonna have to indulge me a little bit today. If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes talking to me recently then you’ll know that I’m a teeny tiny little bit obsessed with working out. What can I say, it makes me feel amazing and I love it. It all started with wanting to lose weight for my wedding and obviously wanting to look my absolute best and it’s just kinda carried on from there, this stuff can get really addictive 🙂
My favourite way of working out is high intensity interval or circuit training. I really have found it’s the most effective way to shed the pounds (along with a healthy diet of course) and yes it definitely hurts but it gives me a buzz like no other workout. So with that in mind, I wanted to share a few of my regular go-to workouts for when I need something quick and effective – let’s be honest, a lot of us brides are super duper busy people and noone has time for hours on end at the gym. You can even do these from the comfort of your living room or balcony so there’s no excuses!
I have tried my best to explain/show the exercises that are a bit more complicated but if you are unclear of anything at all please feel free to comment on this post and I’m happy to help 🙂
Full Body HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Circuit: 30mins
Do the following exercises for 40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest and repeat for 3 sets. Alternatively to increase the intensity, do each exercise for 20 seconds on  / 10 seconds and repeat for 5 sets.
Take 1min break in between sets.
- Squats / Jump Squats
- Mountain Climber
- Push Ups
- Running on the spot with high knees
- Tricep Dips
- Lunges / Jump Lunges
- Crunches
- Burpees
Lower Body (Legs) HIIT Circuit: 20mins
Do the following exercises continuously without rest. Take 1min break between sets and repeat for 4 sets.
- Sprint at maximum  – 1min
- Jumping Jacks – 1min
- Squats- 45seconds
- Box Jumps – 45seconds (if you don’t have a box you can run on the spot with high knees as an alternative)
- Bear crawl – 1min (you can see what this looks like below)
Upper Body HIIT Circuit – Death by Push Ups: 30mins
Do the following exercises continuously without rest. Take 1min rest between sets. Repeat for 3 sets or try 5 if you’re feeling adventurous!
- 15 push ups (on knees or full depending on your ability)
- 30 seconds skip / jumping jacks / running on the spot with high knees
- 20 alternate push ups  – using a ball or a thick book do a push up with one hand on the ball/book and then switch arms, repeat alternating each arm (on knees or full depending on your ability)
- 30 seconds skip /Â jumping jacks / running on the spot with high knees
- 20 hand release push ups – from plank position come completely down the floor and take your hands off the ground before pushing back up (on knees or full depending on your ability)
- 30 seconds skip / jumping jacks / running on the spot with high knees
- 20 push up row with dumbbell (I use around 8lbs / 4kg but adjust accordingly to your own strength)
- 30 seconds skip / jumping jacks / running on the spot with high knees
Push up row:
Abs / Core HIIT Circuit: 30mins
- 1 min sprint/ running on the spot with high knees / skip
- 40 bicycle crunch
- 45 seconds plank
Rest 40 seconds
- 1 min sprint/ running on the spot with high knees / skip
- 40 Russian twist
- 45 seconds plank
- 1 min sprint/ running on the spot with high knees / skip
- 40 reverse crunch
- 45 seconds plank
- 1 min sprint/ running on the spot with high knees / skip
- 40 crunchy frog (it’s not as fun as it sounds!)
- 45 seconds plank
- 1 min sprint/ running on the spot with high knees / skip
- 40 in and out
- 45 seconds plank
Well there you have it, I hope these help you out if you are looking for workout inspiration. Please proceed with caution and adjust the intensity if required  – consult your doctor / personal trainer if you have pre-existing conditions or injuries. And don’t forget to warm up before and cool down after 🙂
Have a great active weekend everyone and happy HIIT-ing!
Image credits (in order): befitpersonaltraining.blogspot.com ; alive.com ; womenshealthmag.com ; popsugar.com ; popsugar.com ; popsugar.com ; womenshealthmag.com