

Hello my lovelies,
I hope you’re all having a good weekend? I’m off toΒ  The Montgomerie for Saturday roast dinner brunch to celebrate my Aunt Sue’s birthday. It’s going to be a family affair. I think I’ve mentioned before that I have family living in Dubai? My Aunt Sue and Uncle peter, and 13 year old Cousin Abbie have been here for about 6 years. My cousin Dylan, is also here, he’s personal trainer/ model. He’s what the girls would call ‘dishy’. πŸ˜‰ One day Dylan and I plan to do something on fitness for bride-to-be, but since we are both so busy it hasn’t happened yet… but it will, eventually πŸ™‚ Oh, and while I’m on the subject of family, my Dad, Step Mum, and 9 year of brother Kiran used live in Dubai too. They now live down under in sunny Perth, Australia. So yeah, that’s a bit of family info for you. Oh and just to let you know, as lots of people ask after I explain I have family in Dubai. My Mum and Sister are in the UK, in Somerset.

OK enough with my ramblings and onto this… ‘Pressing Flowers’.
I had some flowers left over from a bouquet about 2 weeks ago, they were gorgeous, and I thought instead of throwing them away, why not press them. I could be doing this completely wrong, but here is what I did…

  • I cut off the stem on the flower
  • Then I put the flower head inside a book
  • I then repeated with other flowers and some greens
  • I then piled the books up, to give it some weight – now we just need to wait….

All images by Joelle @ My Lovely Wedding.
Back tomorrow!
Love Joelle x

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