Morning Lovelies,
Today I’m very excited to introduce you to a lovely new vendor who makes fairy tales come to life. Muby Astruc was a journalist for 25 years and after getting married she expanded upon her love for story-telling. Not just any stories; but personal, emotional, tear-jerking stories about you, your life and, of course, your lovely wedding.
I met Muby for coffee at Starbucks in Dubai Mall a few weeks ago, and we talked about life, babies (because I’m now a Mumma-to-be this is a new topic for me) and how she fell into her brilliant career as a story-teller. At first I was taken aback by the cost of creating a Fairytale, but once she explained the experience she brings, the time involved, the quality of the Fairytale and the over-all journey the bride experiences, my initial thoughts of ‘wow that’s expensive’ were replaced with ‘wow this is cool, I kinda want one for myself’.
So what’s it all about…
At Fairytale by Muby Astruc™, we write and design books.
Beautiful, bespoke coffee-table-novelsTM about your wedding day; written in third-person, so that you and your husband feature as the central characters of the greatest love story ever told.
We work around the clock, perfecting your novel; creating high-end coffee-table layouts. Why? Because we believe in the grandiose of love. Because a Wedding Fairytale needs to mirror the perfection of your life. A love story to pass down the generations. A family history that begins right now, with you.
How do we do it?
Through your story.
Your photos.
Your feelings.
Your very own fairytale.
A Fairytale by Muby Astruc™ is a high-end representation of your life, as illustrated and written on the pages of a coffee-table-novel™.
We bring your wedding day back to life, turning your story into a fairytale. Magical. Inspiring. Beautiful. Dreamlike.
A story that begins, as all stories do, with a “Once Upon A Time”, and ends with a “Happily Ever After”.
So if this is something that you might like to make for yourself or a loved one, then get in touch with Muby by phone or email. Or if you have an old school pigeon she will happily send you her location and you can fly a note via the bird any time of the day, any day of the week. #kidding
Contact details…
Tel: + 971 (0) 4 288 65 26
Mob.: + 971 (0) 50 632 8176
Have a lovely Tuesday everyone…