Looking back… two years of MLW.

Two years ago I launched My Lovely Wedding. I started with a vision that some day I might be recognised for my contribution to the wedding industry in the UAE.  With no other wedding blogs in Dubai I was the first. Followed by Bride Club ME and a few others. Many of my readers also follow Bride Club ME, and guess what… Rio and I are friends. After several events and awkward meets and greets, we started talking, and soon realised we actually had a lot in common.
We both took a gamble, a risk and with lots of handwork, we can both happily say that we have done a pretty good job. We have both contributed to the industry, we’ve made planning easier for brides, and helped launch wedding vendors into their creative careers. Yes, we are both online wedding resources, but we are very different. And I think our readers know that. At the end of the day, a little bit of competition is good, it keeps you on your toes. Well, it does for me anyway.
Styling by Joelle
What many people don’t realise is how much time and energy goes into running a blog, or a small business. Like Rio, I’m a one women show. I do everything…. the accounts (which I’m still not very good at) the admin, the writing, the editing, the social media, and so on. I also make sure I meet vendors first, (usually at Starbucks) to make sure they fit the bill… and are nice enough to recommend to the MLW readers. Lets just say it keeps me busy.
Styling by Joelle
May is my blogging birthday, and after two years I’m sitting back and trying to reflect on everything that has happened. I can’t quite believe it’s been two years already. I feel like the past year has been a a whirl wind of wedding loveliness, and I’ve gone from blogger to stylist in only 6 months. I feel like I’ve found my niche.. this is what I’m good at, and it keeps me in touch with brides… which is another reason why I love styling so much.
Jill & Nick's wedding - JVR Photography
Image credits; Simon Charlton, Maria Sundin, Blue Eye PictureJVR Photography.
If it wasn’t for my lovely readers, my vendors and the support of my husband… (who’s also very lovely) I wouldn’t be here today. So, I’m going to leave you with a big smile, and a promise that I (and Rio) will be around for a very long time….
Thanks for the support, emails, kind words, and wedding love.

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