Moving house, no internet and being rubbish on email. Sorry!

So apparently moving with a baby is not easy. We moved house last week because our beloved villa is being torn down next year and it was our only option to leave. I did think about protesting the demolition for a split second and then I realised I couldn’t be bothered. So anyway, we’ve moved 5 minutes down the road to Jumeirah 1. After 3 days of loading and unloading, the packers are finished and we are left with boxes of stuff to empty. By the time I actually post this blog I’m pretty sure the house will be some what done. I have no internet, no cooker and currently no kettle, but I do have wine. Wahoo! #winning
To anyone who has recently emailed me I’m sorry for being crap. I was away in the UK for just under two weeks and got back to Dubai and straight into the move. I promise I won’t always be so delayed in responding. I’m actually so excited to get back into a routine. I miss having time to sit and write, and focus on work. It’s actually harder than I thought. Being at home with Adeline is the most amazing thing ever, but I’m hoping with but with her breastfeeding feeding less often now I can pop out for a meeting without feeling an overwhelming flood of anxiety that she needs my boob asap. She’s also eating veggie purees and fruits so that’s a big step for both of us. In fact later today I’m going to be cooking up a storm so that her meals are prepared for the next 3 weeks. Wish me luck!
Oh and you may of guessed but I have the internet now.. yay! I’ll be back to posting 3 times a week as of today.
Happy Monday everyone.

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