Hey People,
Happy Saturday from a slightly chilly Dubai. So in comparison to other parts of the globe it’s actually not that cold but for us locals, it’s cool enough to be seen in wooly hat, scarfs and warm winter jackets. These items of clothes were all spotted yesterday.. no joke. It’s 21c. Just saying!
So I’m here with a pregnancy update…
I’m finally back to my happy pregnancy place. The past two weeks have a been a bit of a struggle, with back ache, throbbing feet and a variety of symptoms I probably shouldn’t share on my blog today. I think most of them were brought on because of my work load and generally feeling a bit crappy. I had a cold and a cough for 3 weeks, which ended just before my last wedding so with the added stress of working really long hours and being on my feet, it really did me no good at all.
However, rock on week later and I’m feeling peachy. I think a few days of chilled afternoons at home as been really good for me. I’m 32 weeks pregnant, so it’s about time I slowed down. (That’s what everyone keeps saying to me) I’m also noticing that my to tummy is growing at a rapid rate, according to my pregnancy emailers from Baby Centre and various other blogs, I’m gaining a pound a week and almost half of that is going straight to my baby. She is now about 16.7inches long and weighs around 3 3/4 pounds.
I can see my tummy move now too. It’s quite bazaar really. Suddenly I feel a turn and my whole stomach moves, it’s not so obvious to my husband Nathan but I can see it and feel it. It’s the best feeling ever, it confirms that everything is real and she’s happily growing inside. I had a scare earlier this week, she didn’t move all night and was very still the following day. So I decided to crack open a can of coke (something I never do) and wake her up. It did the trick and got things moving again. I think she enjoyed the sugar rush 😉
Anyway my lovelies, I better dash as I’m on dinner duty tonight and it’s now 6.30pm and I’ve done nothing.
Have a lovely evening…