You’ll never guess what… but I’m blogging live at The Address Downtown while having a shoulder massage. I’m currently uploading my iPhone pictures while being pampered by one of The Address Downtown Spa’s thearpists. #feelingspoilt. The wedding fair is full swing and getting busier by the hour. I’ve met a handful of lovely brides-to-be and in the process I’m getting caught up with some of MLW vendors.
I’m going to keep this short because I feel rather anti-social blogging at the bar. Ya, it’s so busy I can’t find a free seat. Guess that’s a good thing right?
The Wedding Fair is on until 10pm tonight so if you’re not here or already you still have time to come and say hello.
Location: The Address Downtown
Timings: 12 noon – 10pm
Photos taken by Joelle {excuse the iPhone quality}