Hi Lovelies,
I’m so sorry I haven’t posted anything for the past few days. I got back from the UK on Tuesday morning around 4am, and spent the rest of the day tucked up in bed with my stinky cold. Anyway, I’ve been so busy over the past 2 days that I haven’t even had a chance to sit down and finish any of my drafted blogs. I have two wedding this weekend, which are going to be wonderful.. (well that’s my aim)
I’ll be styling Vanessa & John’s wedding on Saturday at The Arabian Ranches Polo Club, with a simple, yet very gorgeous set up. And then on Sunday I’ll be spending my morning at Al Badia Golf Club preparing for Ola’s afternoon wedding ceremony, followed by a very glamorous evening reception at Mina Al Salam. All so different, but equally as lovely. So now you know why I’ve been so busy 🙂
Anyway, I’m going to finish off some DIY, and swap my blue jeans for some snazzy pjs. Yes, it’s 7.35pm on Thursday night… rock and roll baby!
OK folks… have an awesome Thursday night! Back tomorrow…