Earlier today I met with Sara & Soha, the two talented ladies behind Gourmelicious.
After an hour of wedding chat, cake chat and general girlie chit chat I was given 2 boxes of cupcakes. Remember people, I’m a one women show… I have no one, well apart from my fiancé Nathan to share these with. By the time I got home I was starving, it was nearly 3pm… and before I could even get my salad of out the fridge, I’d eaten two cupcakes. I feel bad, and I think I need to go to the gym… but they were AMAZING! Not sure what is going to happen to the other 5… 😉
So, if you’re looking for cupcakes for your wedding, or maybe a bridal shower then these girls might just be the ones to call. Soon, and I mean very soon they will be showcasing their wedding cakes and I’m hoping we’ll be the first to see. 🙂
Hope you’re not too jealous.. these cakes are mine…. mahahaha xxx