It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. To be honest I needed a technology break. I recently got back from 3 weeks in Perth, and while I was away I tried hard not to open my laptop, check Facebook 3 times a day and browse through Instagram at every quiet moment I had. It was really nice, and now I’m feeling ready to go again. Hence this blog post lol.
So, what’s new with me? Well, Adeline is now 17 months old. Yep… she’s a toddler with enough energy to probably beat the engergizer bunny in a race. It’s pretty full on but every day is fun, and she makes me laugh. The older she gets, the easier it gets. (I think) it’s mind blowing. A few days ago, she turned on the tap of her play kitchen (possibly the best thing we ever bought) and she made a water sound. It went like this… “shhhhhhh” It was amazing. It doesn’t sound very exciting, but to me it was amazing. She knows stuff, and she’s like a little sponge that copies you and somehow makes the simple stuff seem magical.
Workwise I’m pretty busy. It’s a nice busy, as in I have stuff to do every day and I’m taking advantage of the quieter months. We have a wedding next week at FIVE Palm Jumeriah (Viceroy) which will be super cute, and then we have a month off followed by back to back weddings in October. As many of you know I now have a side kick, and that makes work way more fun. I get to hang out with Kara at least twice a week, and even though it’s all about work I feel like I’m having some sort of social life. Balancing work and baby can be hard but having Kara with me makes it that much better. I actually love her.
Anyway, I better dash as I have blogs to prep, emails to write and I need another coffee.
Laters my lovelies…
P.S I’ll post some recent images of Adeline later this week. You’ll be suprised at how different she looks 🙂