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Hello New Mumma – 5 Questions with Mennat from Cloud 9 Weddings & Events.

Hello you lovely lot of humans,
I’m back today with a fun new Mummy interview with Mennat from Cloud 9 Weddings & Events. I did the same thing with Lilliam at E Walls last week, so there is probably no need for a long intro… apart from OMG how cute is baby Dania! We love her!!! Oh and Mennat you are looking amazing too!
Mennat & Dania
How’s life as a new mum?
Life somehow seems to have more purpose. There is more reason to better myself to the fullest to be a good example to my daughter. Prioritising and time managing have taken on a whole new meaning. That being said, taking a step back and relaxing is even more rewarding- when it does happen. I value relationships with family and friends a lot more too! Having a baby has also added more value to creating successful wedding celebrations, and I can relate to the bride and groom’s parents on wedding day.

How old is your baby?
My baby is 15 weeks old and getting cuter by the day.

Whats the best and hardest part about being a new mum?
I would say the best part of motherhood is being able to watch my daughter grow from a tiny bean almost into a fully fledged person. I enjoy observing her expressions, movement and just her every day development. The hardest part is handling the unexpected surprises when I finally have time for myself to finish off some work or just relax.

Has being a mum changed the way you work?
Having a baby has definitely lessened the number of hours a day that I work, especially during the first two to three months, My focus shifted completely! Our brains our seriously amazing, work was automatically replaced with things to do with my daughter (or for her more like!). Luckily, my work was and somehow still is second nature to me, therefore I am now able to focus on it much more since developing a schedule with my daughter. As business owner, I needed to establish a routine in order to find time to complete my tasks so I sought out for help with my baby. Though my hours are very different, I now work during the time I have someone to look after my baby during the day, and definitely an hour in the evenings when I know she is asleep the longest! 

Are you looking forward to wedding season?
I am really looking forward to this coming wedding season, I met couples over the summer who are ready to explore new styles and themes and that is always an exciting thing for me! I am also looking forward to collaborating with new vendors that I have not yet had the opportunity to work with before, mainly photographers.

How do you think this season will be different?
2016 welcomed new planners, stylists and vendors to the industry. Having more players meant introducing new concepts and styles that demanded the attention of peers. I anticipate key players will bring more to the table which will inevitably raise the bar in terms of standard and quality of service in the UAE. Moreover, the Academy of Wedding & Event Planning set up a base here in the UAE, therefore bringing more opportunity to those looking to get in to the industry or better their skill set. Overall, this industry is being taken more seriously and I am so eager to see what is to come.
 Looking for a wedding planner? Check Mennat’s work at Cloud 9 Weddings & Events.

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