
My marina walk

Today I’ve started to take inspiration from my daily surroundings. My day to day routine starts by waking up at silly o’clock and feeding Charlie, my very adorable min pin. By 6am I’m out on the marina walking towards Starbucks, unfortunately they don’t open until 6.30am. It depends what time I actually leave the house, I normally spend about 5 minutes hunting for my swipe card and a poo bag. Poo bag? A little plastic bag that is a ‘must have’ while walking the dog. (It’s not as bad as it sounds and it also has a nice flowery smell.)
So I leave the house and walk along the marina, in the early mornings it’s so peaceful and quiet. I often see fellow dog walkers and stop for a quick hello. It’s funny because I know all the dogs names but hardly any of the owners, apart from Betty the pug, her mum’s name is Laura. She’s lovely and her pug Betty is very cute. So by about 7am I’m home and awake, I do try to go back to sleep but it rarely happens. Charlie is up and play time begins. BTW this routine also carries on through the weekends. I guess I could say it’s all good training for when I’m a mum. 😉 Anyway, moving swiftly on!
So the inspiration bit…. I pass by so many yachts on my walks and I often see boat party’s sail by my window on a Friday afternoon. It’s something I’ve always wanted to but haven’t… yet! So, why not a wedding on a yacht? I’m looking into it right now, well as soon as I’ve finished my coffee 😉 xxx

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