Yeah, so I think it just hit home that I’m going to be a mummy real soon. It’s very overwhelming. I’m excited, yet scared and although I have little experience with new born babies. (I can’t say I have no experience as I did watch my friend Kara bath her newborn a few weeks back, and some would say I’m quite good at baby cuddles.) That’s not the point. I don’t know if this is how I should feel, or if others feel the same way but I kinda feel like I got this. I’m not scared of being a Mum, in fact I’m actually excited about the late night feeds, not having time to do anything but care for my child, and most of all I’m excited to get to know the daughter I’ve always wanted. But should I feel panicked? One question everyone keeps asking me is, ‘Do you have a birth plan?’. The answer is NO. Why? To be very honest, I’m chilling. I don’t want to be disappointed if my birth plan goes to sh*t, and plus the baby has only two ways to come out. Natural or C section! I’m happy with either. Maybe you’re wondering why I’m so blase about the whole birth plan thing?
Well, baby Clute is currently in the Oblique position. She’s lying side ways, and by now she should be head down and ready to rock n roll. I personally think she’s comfortable and like me she’s just chilling. One of the options for moving the baby round is by having an ECV. Google it… it’s personally not for me but I can’t judge others who approve of this option of turning a baby. Some women would rather try to move the baby than have a C section, which is understandable because having a C section is basically like having major abdominal surgery. It’s kind of a big deal. Anyway, so if our little minx hasn’t moved around by 36 weeks we will opt for a planned C section. The weird thing is, and maybe others experienced this too but I feel sort of judged for taking this route, almost like I’m taking the easy way out? Will I be missing out on the real birth experience? Will I bond with my child less because of having a C section? These are questions that have crossed my mind, and I’ve come to the conclusion that ‘whatever is the best for the baby’. I don’t want a stressed baby, I don’t want a stressful birth, I want whats best for my best. And therefore if she is still oblique at 36 weeks then my safest option, and only option is to have a C section. We could technically wait and see if she turns naturally but with Nathan away 5 days a week, it’s actually better for us to have it scheduled. At least we can plan and be ready.
I’m sorry for blabbering on, I know this is a wedding blog and usually we post happy go lucky blogs about marriage and beautiful weddings but I’m pregnant, hormonal and I’m enjoying my pregnancy rant right now. #Sorry not sorry?!
Back tomorrow with something wedding related! I promise!