When planning your wedding it’s important not to forget about your groom. To keep your man happy make sure you involve him just enough that he doesn’t get bored of the ‘girlie wedding stuff’ but just enough to keep him interested. And one way to start is by organising the grooms threads, tux, suit… or whatever you want to call it. The man needs to look good! I’ve said this a few times and I will say it again… I love bow ties. I think they are awesome! However I also love a good tie, and a suit jacket that’s daring and a little unique. Here’s a few for inspiration from Pinterest.…
Credits; Pink suit w/ bow tie; beachbungalow8.tumblr.com Check jacket w/ floral tie; chicvintagebrides.com B&W groom; tuxedo.menswearhouse.com Classic B&W suit w/ bow tie; stylemepretty.com Groom w/ braces; frostedpetticoatblog.com Groom w/ yellow braces; stylemepretty.com Groom in blue; stylemepretty.com Me & Nathan; Simon Charlton PhotographyChad & Nathan suits; Simon Charlton Photography White tux w/ bow tie; simpleregistry.com Grey suit w/ brown bow tie; simpleregistry.com, Brown suit w/ scarf; weddingomania.com, Groom w/ grey suit bridalmusings.com
Ha! Not all of them are from Pinterest, did you spot my groom and his best man rocking their polka dots? Pretty cool huh!
Anyway, got to dash… I’m off to the airport to fly to the UK for a week. I’ll be blogging from Sunny Somerset with the company of my Mum. I’m even keeping my fingers crossed for a sunny day so I can blog from the garden, although I’m not getting my hopes up. lol.
Back soon…
Love Joelle x