Good morning!
I’m so sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday. I had a manic day, which wasn’t even that productive and I just didn’t have time to blog. I spent half my day in the car and got home feeling like I’d wasted hours of my life to Dubai traffic. I live in the Marina and for anyone else who lives near by you will know that the traffic and construction has hit an all time high. The new tram is supposed to be finished in November so it’s all go until then. At least there is an end date to keep in mind. 🙂
But on days like today when I have no meetings I can blog in my pajamas, drink coffee at my desk and tick off my huge list of things to do. It’s going to be productive. I just know it.
So on with today’s blog post…. My new friend Bernie {Bernard Richardson Photography} recently got engaged to Bindi. Congrats guys!!! (I love it when a fellow wedding industry friend gets engaged, it makes it that much more exciting) Not only is she soon to be his wife, but she’s now his side kick too. I had no idea Bindi was a photographer, and once I knew I got rather excited. How romantic is a husband and wife team? I think very. I also think you all should know about it because as a bride-to-be, Bindi is going through the motions of planning a wedding, hunting for a wedding dress and probably the hardest bit ‘finding a wedding photographer’. OK that last bit might be easier for them as I’m sure they have photographer friends, but still… you’re in the same boat. Which might suggest you’d have something in common? A bride-to-be understanding? You get the idea.
I sat with the loved up couple at my favorite coffee house ‘Starbucks’ {obviously} and we talked for hours. I could talk about weddings all day every day and not get bored. I guess that’s why I’m a wedding blogger 😉 So after a two hour wedding chat we decided to give away a styled engagement shoot in October. I’ll be posting details on the blog early next week but thought I’d let you in on the fun today. So watch this space people!
So… before I ramble on too much let me ask you to click on over to Bernie’s website and discover what they are all about….
So from now on people I’m referring to this lovely couple as ‘Mr & Mrs B’. It has a nice ring to it.
Back tomorrow my lovelies… Bye for now!